A Thanksgiving Message

These days, it is so very easy to be filled with anger, frustration, sadness and grief. It is so easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of powerlessness.  

Our tradition reminds us that these are times in which we must look to the horizon – these are times in which we are to recognize those aspects of our lives that give us gratitude.   

Last night, there was some gloom in our own household. The events of the last month and a variety of other minor issues led Shara and I to feel a bit despondent. We shared our feelings with the kids as we watched the Cavs game together.  I noticed that my son Kaleb was listening intently. And then, we went off to bed – still sad and down.

As we were trying to get to sleep, we kept hearing loud sounds from downstairs – not knowing what was taking place. We were so tired that we ignored the sounds, which finally ended around midnight.  

And then, we woke up this morning—and found the entire house cleaned as it had never been before. It was as if a mighty wind had stormed through our house – putting everything in order and giving it an extra shine.  

It turns out that as we went to bed last night, Kaleb decided to stay up and clean the entire house. Why? Because he knew we needed something – and he tried to find something that could cheer us up.  At 10:30PM, Kaleb decided to take an hour and a half to do something that would give a little joy to his parents.  

I tell you this story as Thanksgiving begins because I want you to know that there is goodness and love and kindness in our world – sometimes in our own very homes.  

We should use the days ahead not only to be lost in the darkness of these times, but to focus on that kindness — to be grateful for it and to enter the last month of 2023 with a renewed sense of hope.

As hostages will be coming home, as our families gather together, let us look to the horizon…

I wish each and every one of you a Thanksgiving of gratitude.  

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