Israel Under Attack

In the last few hours, we have learned that Iran has launched hundreds of ballistic missiles at Israel. So far, Israel’s defense systems have intercepted the attacks. As the attack unfolded, an active shooter incident took place in Yafo, where there were a number of civilians killed. 

As we pray for our friends and family who are in harm’s way, I offer you the words of my colleague Rabbi Paul Kipnes, who wrote a blessing before the last Iranian attack. 

Oseh Hashalom, 

Maker of Peace, 

Be with us all now – our siblings in Israel, our people around the world, all people who seek peace and strive to pursue it. 

Grant us fortitude and courage

As we await what’s ahead.

Is this what it was like 

As our Israelite ancestors awaited 

The arrival of the angel of death? 

Did they too feel anxious and unsure,

Even though they too had been reassured, 

That by marking the doorposts of their houses, 

That angel of death would pass over them?

That they would survive 

And thrive?

Did they worry that Magein Avraham, 

The Shield of Abraham 

Might fail to protect them?  

Or that Ezrat Sarah, 

Sarah’s Healing Helper 

Might be unable to help them through?

As the hours droned on 

Before the exodus from Egypt, 

Were our ancestors worried, 

That the matzah they made 

And stored away 

Might not hold off the hunger 

Of this fearful night?

Or that the descending darkness  

Might not dissipate, 

Disssembling any sense of 

Courage and clarity, and 

The hope we hope is ahead? 

Makor Hachayim, 

Source of Life, 

Who values life, 

Spread a Sukkat Shalom,

Your shelter of peace, 

Over us, over all Israel, and 

Over all the world. 

And together we say, 


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