Temple Beth Sholom is a place of gathering. From our youth groups and NEFESH teen program to our sisterhood, our weekly Torah Study group, our Shabbat hiking club, our brotherhood and Chai Society for empty-nesters.
The Men's Club
Men’s Club member meetings include a dinner, a business meeting, a guest speaker, and activities. The Men’s Club sponsors barbecues and holds an assortment of programs throughout the year.
Watch for details about all of the Men’s Club meetings and events here on our website!
The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom brings together women of all ages to share their lives, careers, values, and journeys. Together we create a warm and dynamic community that supports programs to benefit the synagogue, the community, and the Jewish world at large.
Sisterhood members have the opportunity to enrich their lives through personal growth and friendships, intellectual pursuits, community service, leadership development and recognition of the value of their Jewish heritage. In addition, Sisterhood provides significant financial support to the temple by sponsoring events geared toward enriching Jewish life within the Congregation
Book Club
Shabbat Hiking Club
During warm months, our Shabbat Hiking club takes excursions throughout the Hudson Valley–appreciating the beauty of our area and sanctifying Shabbat with our feet. If you are interested in join ing us on our next hike, please email Shara Abraham at [email protected].